Wednesday 27 November 2013

Update on my learning

Yesterday, my friend gave me a book called Mexican Spanish(which you can see on my sources page). I have started looking through this book and it shows a lot of helpful stuff, but it is also quite confusing and I need a lot of practice because I pretty much only know the alphabet, how to count, and a few random words and phrases. I hope to learn a few more phrases by the end of this week.

Monday 4 November 2013


This week, I have learned the numbers 1-20 in spanish. It was quite easy because in school I have learned to count in french, and spanish is sort of similar to french. The Rosetta Stone that I am borrowing still doesn't work so I haven't started using it to help me learn so I have been mainly using the apps to help me. I have found a flashcards app and have written all of the main words that I have been leaning. Flashcards are a big help and I would encourage you to use them to help you remember things.