Monday 30 December 2013

Studying Spanish

Learning Spanish takes a lot of practicing to remember all of the different words and to know when you are supposed to say them in a sentence. I am doing well learning Spanish, and I can put together a very rough conversation using both English and Spanish. My dad is also trying to learn some Spanish with me because he is also coming to Mexico with my class in march! It is helpful having someone to quiz and to have quiz you. There isn't much else to tell about because most of my project is studying Spanish.

Monday 9 December 2013

beginner español toolkit

I found a video on youtube that teaches what to say in a restaurant or a cab. It only teaches basic español, so you will be able to communicate what you want or where you want to go. I embeded the video to my videos & photos page if you would like to learn what to say in these situations also.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Update on my learning

Yesterday, my friend gave me a book called Mexican Spanish(which you can see on my sources page). I have started looking through this book and it shows a lot of helpful stuff, but it is also quite confusing and I need a lot of practice because I pretty much only know the alphabet, how to count, and a few random words and phrases. I hope to learn a few more phrases by the end of this week.

Monday 4 November 2013


This week, I have learned the numbers 1-20 in spanish. It was quite easy because in school I have learned to count in french, and spanish is sort of similar to french. The Rosetta Stone that I am borrowing still doesn't work so I haven't started using it to help me learn so I have been mainly using the apps to help me. I have found a flashcards app and have written all of the main words that I have been leaning. Flashcards are a big help and I would encourage you to use them to help you remember things.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

My progress

This week, I have learned the Spanish alphabet which I have found out has 3 more letters than the English alphabet; you can see the alphabet on my dictionary page. I also got a Rosetta stone learning device from a friend, but it wont work on our computer so my dad said that he will bring our computer in hopefully making it able for us to use the CD drive.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

What I have done so far

I am learning Spanish and blogging about my progress, if you want to know more about my blog look at my About This Blog page. I started practicing some Spanish words and researching learning lessons on the internet and apps on my iPod about three weeks ago. I found a few apps and a website that are helpful that you can look at on my Sources page. You can also see some of the words/phrases that I have been learning on my Dictionary page.